Newtown Says No

but not to asylum seekers,
not to migrants
not to refugees,

but it is saying NO to the government, NO to IPAS and NO to the HSE.
We humbly apologise to the migrants for getting caught in the crossfire between the Newtown says NO campaign and a devious, deceitful, against the wishes of the people government, the most hated ever government in Irish history. To the woke, sorry, you will not find racists or the far-right in this campaign but honest decent people who juggle family lives with work on a 24/7 rota and I say as Ben and Blow-in stand shoulder to shoulder it is both a privilege and honour to stand with you.
In this game of cat and mouse between Newtown says No and the government on week five of this campaign we stand firm and resolute, ‘they shall not pass’ “No pasarán”.
In the light of the No No referendum this government has no longer got the will of the people to govern, coupled with the Neanderthal man politics of Fine Gael, of one stepping out and the other stepping in, it is the choreography of a dance we do not wish to learn. We cry ‘where have you gone Michael Collins, our nation turns it’s lonely eyes to you’.
Was it for this that Joseph Mary Plunkett died, when he left his own sick bed, when Padraig called for him down in the GPO and all that delirium of the brave, to be governed by a government without the mandate of people.
Finally, to this ‘government’ who we annihilated in the NO referendum, just with Elon Musk’s X, Facebook, WhatsApp and Gript against their 20 million budgets, plus the NGO’s and all the opposition parties bar Aontu, I quote the words of Oliver Cromwell said in 1653 and by Leo Amery in 1940.
“Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation.
You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed,
are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
In the name of God, go”